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Writer's pictureJoyce Faulkner

Looking back …

I have a story...a memory sorta...that goes with this song. There was a fellow who I worked with many years ago now... about my age ...solid, reliable ...sober. I thought a lot of him ...figured him for a family man...

Eventually, our jobs took us in different directions and I didn’t see him as often ...and then not at all. One day, years later, he called me... out of the blue... and told me that he was gay. This was still in the era when sharing such things was done with caution ... and I was moved that he trusted me with this part of himself. I was also surprised since neither of us still worked at the same company and like as not, our paths wouldn’t have crossed again. He chose to look me up.

Eventually, he visited us at our home and met us for dinner a few times with his lover... a sweet young man a little younger than he was. He kept saying that he had a present for me... but forgot to bring it. Although, I think now... like he had with with his private life...he wasn’t sure how I would react to still another side of him. The last time I saw him, he said he was going on a trip but had that gift for me... a cd. Turned out, he played the piano and had a wonderful singing voice. I loved it and during the week after he gave it to me, I played it alot in my car stereo... and this was one of the songs...

Unfortunately, on this trip with his lover... he died suddenly. I forget of what... heart attack or something. We were shocked as you can imagine... it’s always shocking when someone so young and interesting and talented is taken so suddenly and inexplicably... just as we were getting to know him.

He was like an accordian, always more to find and appreciate. He had many secrets that he shared in his own time. When I found this song, I thought of him fondly.... and remember how cautious he was ...and how he honored his true self...

The passing years will show that you will only grow more beautiful in my eyes...’s the song...

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