David Tannenbaum
Biography of David Harry Tannenbaum
David Harry Tannenbaum was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He
graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a BS in Electrical Engineering
and from Capital Law School, Columbus, Ohio with a Juris Doctorate.
David is a registered patent attorney and was patent counsel for Bell Telephone
Laboratories in New Jersey for 30 years and Senior Attorney for Fulbright &
Jaworski (now Norton Rose Fulbright) for 17 years before retiring and moving to
South Florida and Pittsburgh with his wife, Mary.
Mr. Tannenbaum’s most recent series, published by Red Engine Press, centers
around the Seminal Society collectors; an anonymous group of billionaires who
believe Thomas Edison shares the same soul with earlier geniuses Ernst
Chladni, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, and Oswald Von
Wolkenstein. To the Seminal Society collectors, the Firsts from any of the
“soulmates” are priceless and they will stop at nothing to possess them. The first
begins with the murder of an Edison Museum docent and the disappearance of
Edison’s original first working phonograph.
Solving the crime falls to Sheriff Deputy Detective Leslie Hodges a slender, mid
30’s, ash blond with green eyes and a southern drawl. She is a rookie detective
in Lee County, FL, but has been a cop for 11 years. Junior, her husband, a
Tampa detective, was killed responding to a bank robbery causing Leslie to start
over in Fort Myers. Leslie passed the detective test with the highest score in
recent memory.
The second book in the series, THE SEMINAL SOCIETY—CHLADNI’S
EUPHON, will be published in late summer. Detective Leslie Hodges is called in
when the expert who certified the authenticity of Chladni’s long lost euphon, a
musical instrument played with wet fingers, is found hanging in his garage.
Mr. Tannenbaum has also published three stand-alone novels, STANDARD
DEVIATION, a story built around an Asperger’s Syndrome child and the difficult
personal relationships that spectrum people must endure; and OUT OF THE
DEPTHS, a fictional novel of a Holocaust survivor faced with survivor’s guilt
stemming from his actual survival combined with what he had to do to just remain
alive. His third book, ADVENTURES IN THE LAW, is a wonderful collection of
stories taken from his law career with the names changed to protect the guilty.
Under the pen name of David Harry, Mr. Tannenbaum has also published nine
mystery/thrillers set on South Padre Island, Texas, featuring Jimmy Redstone, an
aging former Texas Ranger, and Angella Martinez, a newcomer to law
enforcement. The Redstone/Martinez series focuses on smuggling activities
across the porous U.S./Mexico border. The PADRE series is a best-seller on the
Tannenbaum’s books have won several prestigious awards.

Imagine, if you will, that he soul of the first songwriter, an Austrian named
Oswald Von Wolkenstein (1377-1445) passed upon his death from him to Leonardo da
Vinci (1452-1519). Forty-five years after da Vinci’s death that same soul comes to
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Upon Galileo’s death the soul passes to Sir Isaac Newton
(1643-1727), then on to Ernst Chladni (1756-1827), the Father of Acoustics. From
Chladni the soul goes to Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931).
As we know, each of these acknowledged geniuses, The Seminal Society,
created artifacts that are historical Firsts of their kind. These Firsts are highly coveted by
billionaire collectors who will spare no expense to privately own and possess them.
The first book in the series, THE SEMINAL SOCIETY — EDISON’S
PHONOGRAPH, begins with the murder of an Edison Museum docent and the
disappearance of Edison’s original first working phonograph.
Solving the crime falls to Sheriff Deputy Detective Leslie Hodges a slender, mid
30’s, ash blond with green eyes and a southern drawl. She is a rookie detective in Lee
County, FL, but has been a cop for 11 years. Junior, her husband, a Tampa detective,
was killed responding to a bank robbery causing Leslie to start over in Fort Myers.
Leslie passed the detective test with the highest score in recent memory.
Detective Leslie Hodges is called in when the expert who certified the authenticity of
Chladni’s long lost euphon, a musical instrument played with wet fingers, is found
hanging in his garage. The euphon, which is currently on-tour at the Carnegie Science
Museum in Pittsburgh, is immediately returned for re-authentication to Poland where it
was originally found.
THE SEMINAL SOCIETY—NEWTON’S LAWS finds a guard lying dead beside
an unlocked plexiglass dome housing Newton’s Original copy of his masterpiece,
Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The Mathematica is on tour at a Florida
University and Leslie Hodges is again asked to solve the crime.

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